Tuesday, 26 October 2010

RCL Readings Sunday 31 October 2010
Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4
Psalm 119:137-144
2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12
Luke 19:1-10

The book of Habakkuk was probably prompted by one of the Babylonian invasions of Judah (late 7th or early 6th century BC). The writer expresses to God the anguish that is felt in the face of “destruction and violence” (1:3). The writer struggles to understand what is happening and the lack of justice (1:1-4) and I suspect that is a feeling many of us can identify with as we look at injustice in our world and society. This needs to be part of our ‘conversation’ with God. The issues are not fully resolved but in the second part of the reading (2:1-4) two important things emerge for us. To be attentive to what God says (2:1) and as a result to live out of faith (2:4). It is easy to become disheartened in the face of the enormity of issues of injustice, poverty and war but this reading prompts us to engage with God, to be attentive to God and to do the one things we can do – live out our faith in our daily lives the results of that engagement and attentiveness to God.

The reading from Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians (2 Thes. 1:1-4,11-12) provide a wonderful framework for our prayers for one another this week. Firstly it “is right” (v.3a) to “give thanks to God” for one another within the Church. This week identify different things each day within the life of the Church to give thanks to God for. Paul also gives thanks that their faith is growing and their love for one another is increasing. Where are the signs of growing faith and love? Give thanks for these signs and be personally committed to fostering growth in faith and love – think of something specific you can do and pray for.

Paul talks of “boasting” about the Church in Thessalonica – this may seem strange to our ears. But it is about ‘testimony’ – telling the story of what God is doing among them. What is God doing among us? What are the stories of faith we have to tell? If we are honest we tend to be much freer with telling the bad stories and moaning about our personal dislikes than we are about telling the stories of what God is doing among us. Let us seek forgiveness for the ease with which we speak of the negative and let us commit ourselves not to share in such practices. Let us begin to tell the stories of what God is doing among us.

Note how Paul prays in verses 11 & 12 for the Thessalonians. Make this your prayer for the Church “so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him” (v.12). I am absolutely convinced that if we follow Paul’s example in today’s reading we will grow as a Church in faith, in love and numerically and Jesus will be glorified.

The Gospel story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) is so well known that if we are not careful it simply washes over us. Think of Zacchaeus as ‘the outsider’ – lonely, shunned by others, desperately ‘looking in’ and wanting to be part of things. Perhaps you have felt, or do feel, like that. Hear the words of Jesus “hurry and come down; for I must stay at your house today” (v.5) – how does that make you feel? Who are the ‘outsiders’ in our midst? How can you give echo to Jesus’ words of welcome and invitation? Pray and act!

Monday, 18 October 2010

RCL Readings Sunday 24 October 2010
Joel 2:23-32
Psalm 65
2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18
Luke 18:9-14

Psalm 65 is a psalm reflecting upon God’s gracious provision on account of which “praise is due” (v.1). In your prayer times this week spend time focusing upon the characteristics of God revealed in this psalm: forgiver (v.3); deliverer (v.5); strengthener (v.6); provider (v.9-13). Consider where and how you need these things and allow God to “bring you near to live in his courts” (v.4). These are the things God wants you to experience. Experiencing them should lead to praise (v.1) and awe (v.8).

The reading from Joel (2:23-32) initially reminds the people to “be glad and rejoice in the LORD your God” (v.23) because of God’s gracious provision. It comes after warnings of destruction and devastation and a call for the people to repent and to seek after God. It is revealing to note that often throughout the prophets there is this tension between how the people are, which is likely to lead to destruction, and how the people should be, which will lead to peace. The call to repentance and a seeking after God is as timely for us as it was for the people Joel addressed. A seeking after God will be characterised by: “rejoicing” (v.23); a deep awareness and appreciation of God’s provision (v.23-24, 26); a recognition that God is in our midst (v.27); God’s spirit at work in young and old, male and female (v.28-29); visions and dreams of what God is capable of doing through the people of God (v.28). Our prayer should reflect this seeking after God.

The link to the Gospel reading (Luke 18:9-14) is in that little phrase by which the parable is introduced: “He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves …” To trust in oneself is to fail to be aware of the nature of God as revealed in this week's psalm and reading from Joel. The tax-collector though showed the characteristics of repentance and it is he who “went down to his home justified” (v.14). Who do we compare ourselves with? Do we, like the Pharisee in the parable, compare ourselves to other people and feel self-righteous? Or do we compare ourselves with God’s calling and have a proper self-understanding? In the light of others we may be ok, in the light of God we shall look very different and our response needs to reflect that. But that doesn’t mean we wallow in self-deprecation, the tax-collector “went down to his home justified” – we emerge justified, set free, able to “dream dreams and … see visions” (Joel 2:28).

The reading from 2 Timothy (4:6-8, 16-18) reveals someone totally given over to God and despite all the tribulations of being faithful Paul ends with the acclamation “To him (Christ) be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.” (v.18). Although Paul feels that his life is drawing to a close (v.6) his heart is still set upon doing God’s will. If you look at the verses omitted from the reading (9-15) you see Paul urging Timothy to come as soon as possible and to bring his cloak, books and note books – he clearly sees that there is more to do and you sense his enthusiasm for the work of God! In your prayers this week consider what it is that God is calling you to do and to be enthusiastic about. There is still more for each of us to do!

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

RCL Readings Sunday 17 October 2010
Jeremiah 31:27-34
Psalm 119:97-104
2 Timothy 3:14-4:5
Luke 18:1-8

Many a congregation knows their hymnbooks better than their Bibles! Think about it – which do you know best? Three of today’s readings exhort and encourage us to give Scripture a proper place in our lives. Psalm 119 is the longest psalm and our reading focuses on verses 97-104 and the emphasis is upon “meditating” upon God’s word – we might say pondering and reflecting on it, mulling it over in our mind and heart – so that it begins to shape our way of thinking, our values, our attitudes and our consequent ways of behaving. This is not about learning texts and sticking them to each situation but rather about being formed by our reading of Scripture.

The prophet Jeremiah having briefly looked again at the consequence of the people’s sin (31:27-30) begins to look forward to a future time when God says “I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts” (31:33). There will be a naturalness about people’s relationship with God and the ways of God. This “new covenant” (relationship) will first and foremost be an intimate one (“they shall all know me” – imagery taken from the marriage partnership) and inward rather than an externally imposed one – written “on their hearts” rather than tablets of stone. Because it is a deep inner relationship it will radically shape the way people live.

In different ways both these readings speak about being open to God. This week find time to slowly read all the passages set for the week. Phrases, words and images that catch your attention spend time turning them over in your mind, slowly pondering them and asking “what are they telling me about God, or about myself, or about my world?”

In the Pastoral Letter to Timothy (2 Timothy 3:14-4:5) we are reminded that scripture is a gift from God and has to do with the very practical business of the life of God’s people. In both the letters to Timothy there has been an emphasis on teaching and handling the word of God rightly. Here we are reminded of how scripture is “useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (3:16) and the purpose of such use is “so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work” (3:17). This is not always an easy task! The time may be “favourable or unfavourable” but it needs to be done; people will have “itchy ears” and prefer “teachers to suit their own desires” (4:3); but Timothy (we) must “do the work of an evangelist, carry out your (our) ministry fully” (4:5). Pray for the courage to listen to God’s word even when it is uncomfortable and profoundly challenging. Seek to discern whether something is of God or it just suits your desires and predilections – not easy but it comes from allowing God’s word to shape, fashion and form us.

The Gospel reading (Luke 18:1-8) reminds us that central to being formed and shaped by our encounter with scripture is prayer and justice. The parable, we are told, is to remind people of “their need to pray always and not to lose heart” (v.1). The story of a not particularly nice judge who only relents to stop a widow from constantly pestering him is contrasted with a God who delights to listen and delights to grant justice. Sadly the image of God we sometimes give is more akin to the judge! May prayer become as natural as breathing and may we recognise God’s delight in listening and working with us for justice. Pray and work for justice. The passage ends with a tantalising question in verse 8 – what will the answer be? 

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

RCL Readings Sunday 10 October 2010
Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7
Psalm 66:1-12
2 Timothy 2:8-15
Luke 17:11-19

Last week’s Old Testament readings were dominated by the mood of lament as the people found themselves in exile, in a foreign land, and looking back to the devastated Jerusalem. This week’s reading from Jeremiah (29:1, 4-7) is part of a letter written by the prophet to the exiles in Babylon (modern Iraq). The exiles are urged to put down roots and build community – this exile is going to be a long time. There is always the danger of looking back to the “good old days” but God’s people are told to live in the present and in the present to build community. How are we building community? And how are you sharing in the building of community? In what ways do your words, actions and thoughts contribute to the wellbeing of community?

More significantly God’s people are to “seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare” (v.7). What contributes to the welfare of your town or village? What are the characteristics of a healthy community? We need to answer these questions from the perspective of being ‘exiles’ – that is not an easy task but an essential one if we are not to fall into the trap of simply being concerned with the protection of our own interests. As you pray for your town or village divide your prayers into:
v  thanksgiving for the things that create good community;
v  confession of those things that divide and the prejudices that exclude;
v  intercession for the welfare of the town – its caring agencies, medical services, schools, public services, commercial life and the church communities.

Psalm 66:1-12 is an invitation to praise and worship God. This praise and worship is prompted by a marvelling upon what God has done (v.1-4), a recounting of his saving acts (v.6) and a realisation that even in the tough times God has been at work (v.8-12). We are called to be a people of praise and the same things should prompt our praise – let these things feed your worship and praise. Being a people of praise and worship also contributes to the welfare of the community – the worship of God is the one thing that distinguishes us from all other groups within the community.

Thanksgiving for what God has done in Jesus Christ is at the heart of worship and the focus of the reading from Luke 17:11-19. The challenge is that it is often the unexpected one who is truly thankful and those who should have been by virtue of their alleged faith take God’s actions for granted. It was the ‘foreigner’ in the story who acknowledged his indebtedness to Jesus and expressed his gratitude. Let us, individually and corporately, be a thankful people focusing upon what God has done (see notes on Psalm 66 above).

Paul’s instruction to Timothy (2 Tim. 2:8-15) also focuses upon what God has done in Christ Jesus, as it did in last week’s reading. Two further things to reflect upon: we can’t chain or shackle God’s word to make it more acceptable to ourselves or others (v.9); we need to handle God’s word carefully (v.14-15). Pray for those who have special responsibilities in this respect: preachers, Junior Church leaders and House Group leaders. Finally reflect upon the nature of God: “If we are faithless, he [God] remains faithful – for he cannot deny himself” (2 Tim. 2:13).